New job opportunity for university students: Tax exemption extended!

New job opportunity for university students: Tax exemption extended!

The coronavirus pandemic has changed habits in social life.

However, the increase in time spent at home during the pandemic encouraged production at home, there was a job opportunity for university students who experiences online education.

University students, who sell home-made jewelry, beadwork, ceramics, painting, baskets, wooden baby toys, and paintings online, can also benefit from tax advantages like housewives.

It was stated that it would be sufficient for students who want to benefit from the application to go to the nearest tax office and obtain a "tax exemption certificate".

Tax exemption certificate for students

The increase in time spent at home during the coronavirus pandemic encouraged home-based production and created job opportunities for university students who receives online education. Online sales also make it easier for young people to start create money.

University students who sell home-made jewelry, beadwork, ceramics, painting, baskets, wooden baby toys, and paintings online can also benefit from tax advantages like housewives.

It will be sufficient for students who want to benefit from the application to go to the nearest tax office and obtain a "tax exemption certificate".

University students, like housewives, started to earn money without opening an office or paying taxes with very little capital. Home-made products can be marketed all over the country through websites.

With the regulation implemented in November 2020, tax exemption was introduced for those who sell their home production online. Students will also be able to benefit from this application.

The limit is 240 thousand liras

The tax exemption will be applied from January 1, 2021. Those who want to benefit can apply to the tax office in the place of residence and receive a tradesman tax exemption certificate. Those who want to benefit from the tax exemption can open a commercial account from any bank.

All revenue of the products sold on the internet will be collected here. If the revenue obtained in a calendar year exceeds 240 thousand liras for this year, the exemption will not be applied. That limit will be revised every year.

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